
Extend a Partition on Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2

Extending a partition or volume can be done via the CLI, or command line interface.
This works in both Windows 7  and Windows Server 2008 R2.
In order to do that perform the following steps:

Click Start and type CMD, then press Enter.

  1. In the command prompt type
  2. Select the right disk drive and partition to work on. Typically this should be disk 0 and partition 1, but this may change on your system.
    Select disk 0 Select partition 1

    Note: You may want to perform a LIST operation to view your existing disks and partitions BEFORE attempting to expand the wrong one. Needless to say, if you don’t have any space you can use on the same disk, you will NOT be able to extend the partition any further. So no real harm can be done here.

    List disk List partition
  3. When the right disk and partitions were selected, perform the EXTENDcommand. If you don’t specify the size to extend by, then the command will extend the partition by using all of the contiguous space available on that disk.
    Extend size=500

    The above command will extend the partition by 500 MB.


    The above command will extend the partition by using all of the contiguous space available on that disk.

And with that, we are all done!

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